We are a Community of volunteer ESS teachers advocating K-12+ passion for ESS;
a member-run, nonprofit educational organization
Your membership & donations fund programs, professional development workshops, webinars & advocating for ESS
Join / Renew Community Membership The many benefits of NESTA membership:
New MemberJoin community of teachers, professors & professionals—advocating ESS & quality, researched professional development Membership—$40/year Renew Your MembershipWe cherish your dedication towards ESS & NESTA community—teachers, professors & professionals advocating for ESS Renew your membership**—$40/year Other Membership
Supporting—$100 - $249/year
Sustaining—$250/year and up Free Student Membership!Undergraduate / Graduate students—future ESS teachers / scientists—TWO sequential years Free membership (form required to prove student status) Join now ! | Access special capabilities & services on NESTA's ESS Education website with Different reading levels & Languages only $15/year for NESTA members (50% non-NESTA ). More details—Educator Membership Benefits | Donate—ESS Advocacy Your support is vital: Advocate ESS prominence & importance for ALL students Cultivate ESS Teachers —instructing decision makers of tomorrow Earth stewardship & policy making You make a difference—"pay forward" Advocate ESS Prominence Geoscience profession employment numbers increasing, though ESS major declarations decrease. Equity in ESS Inner cities & minority students less likely to receive ESS education & ESS role models leading to a growing disparity of minorities in the space & geosciences Cultivate ESS Teachers K-12 classroom—increasingly important providing authentic learning experiences to develop ESS literacy Earth Stewardship Resource management, climate change, water management, pollution control, earthquake mitigation—citizenry understanding of complex topics is inadequate |