![]() Community: Roots that anchor, branches that support. We are as strong as our Members, Partner Organizations & those that care deeply for K-12 Earth System Sciences education We thank You for your support, allowing us to Advocate Earth System and Space Sciences for ALL. Join us today and be a part of a Strong Community of those passionate for about Earth |
NESTA collaborates with professional education associations, scientific societies & federal agencies to promote and advocate for Earth and Space science education. Through collaboration, we have Affiliates |
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), focuses on conditions of oceans, major waterways, & atmosphere NOAA warns of dangerous weather, charts seas, guides use & protection of ocean / coastal resources & conducts research to provide understanding &improve stewardship of the environment |
The AMS is a global community committed to advancing weather, water, & climate science—advance atmospheric & related sciences, technologies, applications & services for the benefit of society |
American Geosciences Institute (AGI) is a nonprofit federation of approx 50 geoscientific & professional organizations representing geologists, geophysicists, & other Earth scientists |
Michigan Earth Science Teachers Association is the first national ESTA, also aiding in the founding of NESTA. MESTA aides in the advancement, stimulation, extension, improvement, and coordination of Earth and Space Science education at all educational levels |
National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) fosters improvement in teaching Earth sciences at all levels of formal & informal instruction, to emphasize cultural significance of ES, & disseminate knowledge to the general public |