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  • 05 Mar 2023 1:34 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    NESTA and Rubin Observatory Present “Expanding Universe” Webinar 

    Webinar: 8-13 (College Introductory Astronomy) Teachers, Saturday, March 11, 11:00 am EST / 8:00 am PST, Length: 3 hours

    Are you looking for a way to teach Hubble’s Law and properties of the universe using real data? Vera C. Rubin Observatory has developed a series of free online astronomy investigations using authentic astronomical data that provide rich and interactive experiences for students. During this webinar you will learn about how we can observe the expansion of the universe by using data from galaxies and supernovae.

    To register for the workshop, go to:

  • 28 Feb 2023 6:07 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Project Atmosphere is accepting Summer 2023 Applications Now.

    Educators of K-12: FREE, STIPEND AVAILABLE, ON-SITE. Due March 24, 2023

    The American Meteorological Society leads a comprehensive teacher professional development course rooted in the atmospheric sciences. It is directed toward improving teacher effectiveness in generating interest and understanding in science, technology, and mathematics among pre-college students.

    American Meteorological Society 

  • 28 Feb 2023 2:55 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Ecology School Teacher Institute

    Professional Development: K-8 Science Teachers

    ***$250 stipend and reimbursement for most travel***

    Offered in two cohorts: July 17 - 20 and July 27 - 30, 2023

    Join The Ecology School in Maine this July for an engaging and inspiring professional development opportunity. Teachers will be challenged to explore water’s connection to human systems and its impacts on the environment. Immersed in field-based ecology lessons, attendees will have opportunities to network and collaborate with colleagues from schools around the country to reimagine their teaching to include outdoor learning, place-based experiences, and community partners.

  • 28 Feb 2023 2:48 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Polar STEAM Virtual Educator Collaboration

    Professional Opportunity: Middle & High School Teachers

    Application Period Begins February 20, 2023

    Polar STEAM is a reimagining and expansion of several past National Science Foundation programs that have provided opportunities for educators, artists and writers to engage with Antarctic and Arctic research and share their experiences.

    The educator portion of the program is open to middle and high school teachers, those who work in science education settings such as museums and science centers and faculty from community colleges and Minority Serving Institutions, which are higher education institutions who serve significant populations of students that are underrepresented in science and higher education programs.

  • 12 Feb 2023 9:08 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Climate and Equity Education:  A Summer Institute for Learning and Teaching 

    Professional Development: High School Teachers

    TERC, in partnership with the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, invites high-school teachers to apply for a one-week, all-expenses-paid intensive on Climate and Equity Education on the beautiful coast of Maine, July 30-August 5, 2023

  • 11 Feb 2023 5:06 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Earth Educators' Rendezvous Registration is Now Open

    Full-time pre-K-12th grade teachers,  Professional Develpment: Registration deadline: May 3, 2023

    Pasadena, California, July 10-14, 2023

    Stipend opportunities available to offset the cost of travel and registration.

    The Rendezvous program features a combination of workshops, contributed talks and posters, round table discussions, plenary sessions, and working groups discussing a rich mix of topics. This year's Rendezvous provides special opportunities for:

    • Interactive multi-day workshops, featuring strategies for supporting all students, education research, curriculum design, and more
    • Half-day mini-workshops, featuring a variety of topics, teaching methods, professional development, career resources, and more
    • contributed program to share your work and learn from the community, including oral and poster sessions, teaching demonstrations, and a Share-a-thon
    • Plenary talks, forums, and roundtable discussions
    • Pre- and Post- Rendezvous Field Trips and Lab Tours featuring local geology and cutting edge research facilities will also be available. Details and registration for these events will be available soon!
  • 11 Feb 2023 4:42 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Quest 2023 Teacher Professional Development Program

    Full-time pre-K-12th grade teachers in New Jersey,  Professional Develpment:  With $150 Honorarium

    Registration deadline: June 16, 2023 **Limited Space***

    QUEST 2023 is once again in person on the Princeton University campus! The program is designed to enhance teachers' knowledge of science and mathematics aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in Science and Math. Each session is co-taught by content experts, researchers and lead teachers so that participants develop skills to apply science/math content knowledge in their classrooms. QUEST seeks to increase teachers’ enthusiasm, knowledge and confidence in teaching science and math.

  • 11 Feb 2023 4:32 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Esri Mapping Competition | ArcGIS Online School Competition for US High School and Middle School Students

    Open to all middle and high school students. Contests are run by state ArcGIS groups.

    !!!Cash Prizes!!!

    NJ State Competiton

    Important Dates:

    Pre-registration deadline: March 22, 2023

    Introduction to Making a StoryMap Free Webinar: Tuesday, February 26, 2023

    Program Description:

    Esri invites students to explore a situation in their state (using state competition guidelines) and share the results in a StoryMap. Explore your world!

  • 11 Feb 2023 4:18 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    STEM Enhancement in Earth Science (SEES) Summer High School Intern Program

    High School Students, Summer Internship: Registration deadline: February 20, 2023

    NASATexas Space Grant Consortium, and The University of Texas at Austin Center for Space Research Summer Intern Program is a nationally competitive STEM program for high school students. The program provides selected students with exposure to Earth and space research. Interns will learn how to interpret NASA satellite data while working with scientists and engineers in their chosen area of work.

  • 11 Feb 2023 1:09 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    GSA 2023 North-Central Section Meeting

    When: 4-5 May 2023

    Where: Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, The L.V. Eberhard Center


    Early registration deadline: 27 Mar. 2023

    Cancelation deadline: 3 Apr. 2023

    57th Annual Meeting of the North-Central Section

    A Meeting in the Mitten: Water, Rock, Wonderland


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