Professional Development Opportunity
Webinar: Ocean Acidification - Bridging Earth Science and Chemistry
Cost: Free
When: Thursday, November 2, 2023, 4:00 pm ET
Where: Virtual via Zoom
Duration: 1 Hour
Registration: Register by November 1, 2023
Webinar Description:
The spirit of NGSS is to break down disciplinary silos and encourage students to make cross-curricular connections, but this can be challenging, especially at the high school level. Infiniscope, a NASA-funded project, has been working to create mix-and-match learning modules that enable educators to organize their classrooms around specific phenomena and storylines. In this webinar, we'll share our newest suite of learning experiences tied to the anchoring phenomenon of Ocean Acidification and the investigative phenomenon of declining oyster populations. We'll share early results from student testing, plans for future learning modules, and how you can get involved.
Question: Contact Ashley Carlson,