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What are NESTA members working on?

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  • 16 Jul 2024 11:07 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As our summer months pass by, I want to take a moment to celebrate this well-deserved break with you. Each of you has worked tirelessly throughout the school year, demonstrating unwavering dedication, creativity, and resilience in the face of challenges. Now, it's time to step back, relax, and recharge.

    Summer is a special season for educators, offering an opportunity to rest and rejuvenate. Whether you’re traveling to new places, spending quality time with loved ones, engaging in professional activities or simply enjoying a quiet moment, I hope you embrace this time to restore your energy and spirit.

    Remember, this break is not just a luxury but a necessity. It’s a time to reflect on the past year’s accomplishments and challenges, to dream and plan for the future, and perhaps revisit NESTA’s Vision Statement; “Inspire passion for stewardship and sustainability of Earth through a collaborative community of Earth and Space Science learning for ALL.” Let’s use this time to rekindle our enthusiasm and prepare ourselves mentally and physically for the exciting year ahead.

    Enjoy every moment and come back refreshed and ready to inspire and educate with renewed vigor.

    Wishing you each happy and healthy summer days with some lazy evenings.

    Natalie Macke
    NESTA President

  • 19 Apr 2024 8:47 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Greeting NESTA Community,

    What a wonderful evening to spend time in fellowship with our members and friends during our Friends of Earth Science Reception at NSTA, Denver.  A huge thank you to everyone who assisted with organizing such an enjoyable evening. A special shout-out to our event sponsors, Activate Learning and the American Geosciences Institute without their support, this type of event may not have been possible. Taking time for community building is so important and I look forward to next year's event in Philadelphia!

    Exciting news from our recent NESTA leadership elections. We are happy to announce that Dr. Missy Holzer (Secretary), Parker Pennington (Treasurer), Emily Hollyday (Region I Director), Matt Haverty (Region VII Director), Kimberely Norris-Jones and Diane Tom-O'gata (Directors at Large) will all continue their positions for another two years.  

    I'm especially excited to welcome some new leadership this year! A big WELCOME to newly elected officers,  Dr. Christopher Rommele, Associate Professor from West Chester University in PA will serve as our Region III Director and Andrew Epton a High School Science Teacher in Dearborn, MI will serve as Director for Region V. 

    Lastly, new to our Board we also welcome Dr. Missie Olsen who will be taking over as Regional Director for Region VI for the remainder of the term. We are also happy to have two newly Appointed Officers join our Board of Directors: Jon Schrage, IN; will serve as Project Coordinator for Windows to the Universe and Jacob Tanenbaum, NY will be our K-5 Liaison.  

    It's Spring and NESTA leadership will continue to stay focused on finding unique ways to grow our membership; engage our community and champion excellence in Earth and Space Science education.  build and outreach. Wishing you all a productive end to your school year.  Be sure to visit our NESTA Professional Development Blog to stay apprised of opportunities for this Summer and next Fall.  Happy Earth Day!

    One Earth, Our Future.

    Natalie Macke
    NESTA President

  • 15 Mar 2024 5:20 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The time is here for us all to get together to share, learn, and celebrate! - A special invitation for you...

    NSTA, Denver is right around the corner and finally, the opportunity is here for our membership to connect face-to-face. We've put together a dedicated webpage for the event so you can easily find colleague and affiliate presentations! 

    Please join us this year at the Friends of Earth Science Reception, on March 22nd (Friday evening) at 6:30 PM to both commune and celebrate all we have accomplished this past year. A special thank you to our event sponsors this year, AGI and Activate Learning. 

    Spring is near and so is our 2024 NESTA Curious Cloudy Connections Project Run! Please visit our project page to learn more about how to participate with your students! This collaborative project will be actively supporting participating classrooms between April 13 - May 18, 2024. Let NESTA leaders help you as you participate in Globe Program data collection and local data analysis supported by My NASA Data! 

    Finally, in will soon (3/27- 4/10) have an opportunity to elect NESTA leadership for our next term! - Show your support for your colleagues by taking just a moment of your time to complete your election ballot! Look for your ballot as a special E-mail communication. So excited to continue the great work we have accomplished while harnessing new energy and ideas for the future!

    Please take a moment to connect!

    Natalie Macke
    NESTA President


  • 28 Feb 2024 5:31 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Are you presenting at NSTA Denver Convention in March?
        Let us help you get the word out!


        Deadline for inclusion on webpage is Friday, March 15th.

  • 15 Feb 2024 7:35 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thank you to all our membership support… in our shortest, but busiest month! A few notes with perhaps an inspirational message to share. 

    February is here and that means it is a full-throttle effort for our team to provide the outreach and support to which we have all dedicated energy and our hours.  I truly hope to see/meet some of you at NSTA, Denver. Our organization will be hosting our Friends of Earth Science Reception to celebrate all the hard work (100% volunteer) completed by our educator members and affiliates and pa. 

    In the age of “Teachers pay Teachers”, our organization bucks against the tide to simply ask, how can we help? What does your classroom need? I’m so proud of our efforts to maintain and uplift the collegial sentiment of sharing and community among educators. 

    To that end, I’m happy to say, please stay tuned to your INBOX as February and March will bring forth several opportunities to learn, participate and collaborate. A perfect time to bring authentic scientific investigation to a classroom near you!  Need a jumpstart?  Our Curious Cloudy Connections project will be up and running again this April,  Hope you will join us!

    Thank you for your shared commitment to excellence in space and Earth science education.  Together we affect change not only in individual classrooms but throughout the entire community.

    Natalie Macke

    President, NESTA

  • 19 Jan 2024 5:04 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Reflection and Celebrations!

    2024: It's time to exhale. But wow, what a year it has been. The number of volunteer hours from our NESTA team, the impactful workshops, outreach efforts, and collaborative engagements are truly inspiring. Educators from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and geographic regions, all work together, volunteering their time to sustain the goals of our community.  

    As many of you know, I’m not new to NESTA, but I am new to the leadership team. Why did I jump on board? Simple, I truly enjoy collaborating and learning new things and I believe in the goals of our organization. Through a bit of a learning curve, I always felt supported by the team and happily made new friends along the way.  

    I'd like to take this opportunity to thank one of my new friends, Parker Pennington (our NESTA Treasurer) for all his dedication and hard work to make sure that our finances are back on solid ground. NESTA was thrown some curveballs with unexpected challenges, but thanks to Parker and his willingness to stick it out through financial batting practice, he hit it out of the park. Thank you, Parker, for your willingness to sift through boxes and work countless hours to get it done. Now NESTA is ready to move forward with confidence.  

    With great appreciation for my NESTA family,

    Natalie Macke

    NESTA President

    Community: Roots that anchor, branches that support.

  • 30 Dec 2023 9:50 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Big Holiday Wishes during the month of December.  This is the month when we all have an opportunity to finalize obligations  (or perhaps start to do so...)  from our first semester.  I'm excited about the work we've accomplished this past month..  Some things to look for!

    1.  Some new images on our homepage including our first announcement about NSTA, Denver (lots more about thant will be coming these next months)
    2. Updates and new formatting of our Leadership and Community pages and daughter pages.  I think it will be easier to navigate to find and acknowledge our team!  -Please let us know if you catch a typo or mistakes please :)
    3. MUCH time... has been spent archiving previous NESTA PD events.  I'll be sending an email blast to share that soon!  Lots of great nuggets to use in your classroom there.  
    4. MUCH time... has been spent ensuring that NESTA is ready for the future by ensuring our finances are in order :).   It's been quite a learning curve, I'm proud of what we've accomplished.

    So what's next!!!  We NEED your HELP.  Our outreach is expanding and some great opportunities are planned, but we are all volunteering our time and like you have our own obligations with family and teaching.  Please contact me (  Like you, my obligations at school have increased these past years so we all need to find new and creative ways to pitch in to achieve our community goals. 


    Your NESTA President,
    Natalie Macke

  • 15 Nov 2023 6:23 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Teachers, much like anyone else, revel in the comfort and stability of established relationships, be it with colleagues, students, or the educational community at large. These connections form the bedrock of support, collaboration, and shared experiences that enrich both personal and professional lives.  I always begin to exhale a bit during the month of November, as classroom routines have now been established, and relationships with my students have a bit of a history on which we can build.  So does that mean we coast to the end of the year?   Well, of course not.

    Teachers, driven by a passion for lifelong learning and growth, often seek fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and diverse networks that can invigorate their teaching methods and broaden their horizons. To that end, I'm super-excited that NESTA was asked to host a coffee hour by our new friends at the American Association of Physics Teachers, AAPT.  I cherish the enthusiasm of our NESTA community to immediately volunteer to help, support, share and collaborate with new friends.  Many physical science teachers are now being called upon to cover the Earth and space science curriculum standards at their schools.  So on November 27th, I invite you all to join in on the conversation to help our collegues with their newfound challenge.  (Sign-up Here).   The event is free and open to the public.  We anticipate this to be just the first chat that opens doors to a much longer conversation.  

    Make time to care for your professional journey.  Embrace a balance between nurturing those respected, longstanding relationships while propagating new connections that bring with them both excitement and inspiration.  I hope you'll join us :)

    Natalie Macke
    NESTA President

  • 15 Sep 2023 7:35 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Merriam-Webster dictionary defines vocation as a summons or strong inclination to a particular state or course of action.  Tom Ervin embodied education as a vocation.  His passion and personal contributions to a community will have impacts far-beyond the years he spent physically among those with whom he connected. 

    Teaching is not merely a profession; it's a vocation that shapes the future. We are architects of knowledge,  mentors, and the catalysts for change in society. Participating in professional organizations, such as NESTA and the Boy Scouts, Tom Ervin understood the impact that community can have on empowering others and fostering excellence in education. 

    I hope to lead our organization with the same dedication as Tom and will always remember him for his good humor, support and most of all those times when he would make the effort to remind us that each of our contributions (regardless of size) is what brings us together as a community.  It is this community that will motivate, rejuvenate and remind us all that we are not alone on our journey.

    I will miss my NESTA friend, but will carry his spirit onward in my actions.  NESTA will be remembering Tom Ervin in our upcoming Fall issue of The Earth Scientist.  If you have any memories you would like to have included, please share them with our editor Peg Steffen ( or simply send along to me and I will be happy to share.

    While we look back at a life well-served, I too look forward to a new school year with new opportunities.  If you would like to be more involved with the goals of NESTA (large or small), please reach out.  

    Feeling at peace and looking forward.

    Natalie Macke
    NESTA President

  • 15 Aug 2023 10:38 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    August is here and some are already back in the classroom or perhaps like me you are preparing activities to engage students that foster a sense of excitement and inquiry for your classes.  We each have the unique opportunity and challenge to set clear expectations and goals these first days.  But more importantly, we need to establish a sense of community in our classroom by developing connections and facilitating collaborations among a large number of diverse learners. 

    To efficiently learn about my students, I use a "Get to Know Me.." questionnaire as one of my first assignments.  I have learned to include three short open-ended questions.  The first simply is an optional question that allows students to share with me whatever they think I should know. It always amazes me, what they choose to share when provided a blank script.  The second, the students share a question that they would they like to have answered as a result of taking my class.  This sets the tone, that each learner arrives with their own understandings that I intend to acknowledge.  Lastly, and more specific to our discipline, prompts students to share any personal connection or sensitivity to a Natural Disaster or event.  The recent devastating and fatal fires in Hawaii certainly prompt a teachable moment about Earth systems, but I also need to prepare for the human connections and the emotional toll that these events incur.  While the beginning of the school year provides a unique opportunity to establish expectations and elicit excitement, I must also prepare for engaging the social-emotional needs of my students.  

    Earth systems learning always includes direct or indirect conversations about impacts to families and communities.  Fire, flood, earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes are all abrupt and devastating.  Many of our students are anticipating more of these events will occur as a result of Earth's warming climate.  I'm reminded about that from a number of my student's questions gathered from my "Get to Know Me.." form.  

    Some actions I will use to better understand the social/emotional connections of my students:

    1. Look to the professional resources available to me, such as the guidance department or child-study team.  Ask about my student roster and find out what services are available to support students emotional reactions to your classroom topics and discussions. 

    2. Reach out to parents ahead of time to share the topics I will be tackling in class and encourage them to ask their child at home about their reaction to the class topic and discussion. 

    3. Use formative assessment methods such as exit tickets and journals to not simply prompt for information, but instead inquire about personal reactions and/or affective empathy.  These can be used to engage students with important metacognitive tools.  

    While I truly look forward to the beginning of each year my heart hurts for the Hawaiian community. If you are interested in continuing this discussion, please reach out.  I'm happy to help you connect.   I wish you each of you the best start of new school year!   

    Onward to 2023-2024!
    Natalie Macke
    NESTA President

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