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Welcome to the National Earth Science Teachers Association

Founded in 1983, our nonprofit-educational organization is a community of volunteer educators determined to advocate for K-12+ Earth and space science (ESS) education. Supporting educators through a variety of professional development offerings, learning communities and classroom programs, our community provides leadership through vital collaborations with education associations, scientific societies & federal agencies.  



Join a Community of ESS Educators

Support Advocacy of ESS throughout the Nation

Receive our peer-reviewed journalThe Earth Scientist  &

monthly newsletter:
The E-News

Join us and benefit from the infectious passion of  educators that are not only experienced in creating dynamic classroom opportunities, but also are committed to having a larger voice to ensure Earth and Space science learning for ALL.   Regardless of disciplinary focus, we support classrooms that engage students with questions about our Earth systems!

        Link to NESTA Facebook Professional Learning Community 


Meet Your Regional Director

You have a Regional Director
to help

Find Your Regional Director 


NESTA invites classrooms, teachers and student teachers to join a seasonal data exploration!  Our new initiative creates a peer network to support educators (and educators-in-training) while they dive into the possibilities of authentic scientific exploration as part of their classroom activities. 

Fall 2024 :  Curious Cloudy Connections
  (Join us in October & November)

  NESTA Data Network

New Logo—21st Century Direction


Our new Logo demonstrates our commitment as the voice for ALL Earth System Science teachers across the Nation.   Find out more about  our logo design using the link below.

    What's in a Logo

NESTA's Three Pillars: 

⚬ advocacy. 

⚬ community. 

professional   development. 

NESTA's Focus on the Future—
By Teachers.  For Teachers.
Attract a Community of ESS teachers, professors, professionals & organizations 
to Advocate for ESS for all K-12 students

Provide quality, innovative Professional Development to support K-12 ESS education in ALL classrooms.

Interested in Helping?

The Earth Scientist

NESTA Upcoming Events

  • No upcoming events
Events with a NESTA Presence

Join Us at  the NSTA National Conference in New Orleans
November 6-9, 2024


  NOAA logo

American Geosciences Institute logo

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